Sunday, March 25, 2012

Dieting is not in my vocabulary...normally.

Okay, so, I need to go on a diet.  I'm short, only 5.1 1/2 and that extra half an inch is the love of my life.  I also have back problems with four of my upper vertebrae being open.  I had to have this surgery towards the end of my pregnancy with Wild Child, resulting in temporary paralysis and a slew of health problems that have mostly been resolved.  However, I have been warned that having extra weight on my frame will cause lower back problems, making my upper back even weaker.  Sooooo...I've been feeling gravity pull at me and I don't like it.  So..gasp..I'm going on a diet.  I'm going to try the South Beach Diet.  Have ordered the book on my Kindle and the cookbook, which should get here tomorrow.  Though I plan to "start" tomorrow, I have started pre-starting today.  Meaning..oh lord...never thought I would say chocolate, no sugar, no bread, no pasta, no rice.  And, you know what?  I'm hungry..and bitchy.  Sigh. It's for the greater good, I know, but I'm still hungry.  I've had my 30 pistachio nuts for a snack and a piece of turkey wrapped in low-fat cheese.  Okay, so I had one teeny-tiny Reese hearts because my mom shipped them to me and not eating them would be like throwing money away.  What's that?  Give them to my kids?  Are you nuts?  Lost your mind?  I could but chocolate for Wild Child is like crack at a rehab clinic, not GOOD.  She runs around the room, pupils dilated, mouth flapping ninety to nothing, leaving a trail of paper and Legos in her wake. I usually also find a few Barbie shoes underfoot the next morning before I've had coffee, not a good start, folks, not a good start. I'm going to eat an early dinner tonight, drink another glass of water with a slice of lime (already had a liter and a half and all I do is peeeeeeeeee!) and when I want to snack while watching NCIS and Mentalist with Herr Hubby, I will make myself a cup of tea with no sugar instead and sulk in silence, leaving Herr Hubby to think, "What did I do now?"  More reports to come as I South Beach my way to a better, healthier me.  Although, Lord help a world with me in it without me having chocolate...just warning you.

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